Questions Words (What, Where, When, Who, Whom, Why, Which & How)


Question Words

Ramphlang, Meghalaya

What – Kaei, Aiu

What’s your name?

-          Kaei ka kyrteng jong phi?

-          Phi kyrteng aiu?

What are you doing?

-          Kaei phi dang lĕh? (Although it is correct to say this but it’s not commonly used.)

-          Phi lĕh aiu? (This sentence is commonly used.)

What do you do?

-          Kaei ka kam kaba phi trei? (Not so commonly used)

-          Phi treikam kam aiu? (Commonly used)

Where – Shaei (to what place)

Where are you going?

-          Phin leit shaei?

Where is this bus going?

-          Shaei kan leit kane ka bus?

 Where – Haei (in what place)

Where did you keep the key?

-          Haei phi bŭh їa u shabi?

Where do you work?

-          Phi trei haei?

Where – Naei (from what place)

Where are you from?

-          Phi dei shnong naei?

Where will I get money from?

-          Naei ngan їŏh pisa?

Where – hangno (in which location or point)

Where did you park the car?

-          Hangno phi bŭh їa ka kali?

Where is your office located?

-          Hangno ka don ka office jong phi?

Where – nangno (from which location or point)

Where is it paining?

-          Nangno ka pang?

From where do we have to enter?

-          Ngi hap rung nangno?

When – mynno (past)

When did you come?

-          Phi wan mynno?

When were you born?

-          Mynno la kha їa phi?

 When – lano (future)

When will you go?

-          Lano phin leit?

When will you pay?

-          Lano phin siew?

When – ha kano ka por (at what time)

When do you wake up?

-          Ha kano ka por phi ju khie thiăh? 

Who – mano

Who are you?

-          Phi dei mano?

Who will go?

-          Mano ban leit?

Whom – їano (to whom)

To whom did you give the letter?

-          Phi ai ka shithi їano?

To whom shall I speak?

-          Ngan kren їano? 

    Whom – bad-no (with whom)

With whom will you go?

-          Phin let bad-no?

With whom is she sitting?

-          Ka shong bad-no

Why – Balei

Why are you late?

-          Balei phi slem?

Why didn’t you come?

-          Balei phi khlem wan?

 Why –  na ka daw aiu (for what reason)

Why is there so much traffic?

-          Na ka daw aiu ka dheng kali katne katne?

Which – uno {which (male)}

Which one is your brother?

-          Uno u dei you hynmen shynrang jong phi?

Which fruit is ripe?

-          Uno u soh ba la ĭh? (Fruit is male considered a male gender in Khasi)

Which – kano {which (female)}

Which girl did you talk to?

-          Kano ka kynthei kaba phi kren?

Which car do you want to buy?

-          Kano ka kali phi kwăh ban thied? (A car is considered a female gender in Khasi)

How – kumno (in what manner)

How did you come?

-          Phi wan kumno?

How – katno tylli (how many things)

How many boxes do you need?

-          Katno tylli ki syndŭk phi donkam?

How – katno ngut (how many people)

How many siblings do you have?

-          Katno ngŭt shipara phi їa don?

How – katno por (how long)

How long will it take?

-          Katno por kan shim?

How – katno tyngka (how much money)

How much is this phone?

-          Katno tyngka kane ka phone?

How – ka jngai katno (how far)

How far is it?

-          Ka jngai katno nangne?

How – katno sngi (how many days)

How many did you stay there?

-          Katno sngi phi săh shata?

How – katno sien (how many times/ how often)

How often do you go there?

-          Katno sien phi ju leit shata?



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