In the Khasi language there is no word for Hello or Hi. The Khasi people always start a conversation with 'Kumno?' which is short for 'Kumno phi long?/Phi long kumno?' (How are you?).
Example dialogue#1 How are you?
Person A: Phi long kumno?(How are you?)
Person B: Nga khlaiñ. Phi pat?(I'm fine. And you?)
Person A: Nga ruh nga khlaiñ.(I'm fine too.)
Example dialogue#2 How are you?
Person A: Kumno? (How are you?)
Person B: Shu biang hi. Phi?(I'm ok. You?)
Person A: Nga khlaiñ.(I'm fine.)
Example dialogue#3 How are you? and Goodbye
Person A: Kumno?(How are you?)
Person B: Nga khlaiñ. Phi?(I'm fine. You?)
Person A: Nga ruh nga khlaiñ. (I'm fine too.)
Person B: Te phin leit shano?(So, where are you going?)
Person A: Ngan leit sha ïew. (I'm going to the market.)
Person B: To kata sa ia kyndŭh pat.(Ok then. See you later.)
Example dialogue#4 How are you? and Goodbye
Person A: Kumno?(How are you?)
Person B: Nga khlaiñ. Phi?(I'm fine. You?)
Person A: Nga ruh nga khlaiñ.(I'm fine too.)
Person B: Te kumno ki kam ki jam?(So, how's life?/how's work?)
Person A: Biang. And you?(It's fine.Phi pat?)
Person B: Shu biang hi.To kata, ngan leit noh mo.(Just doing ok. Alright then I'll go .)
Person A: To.(Ok)
Example dialogue#4 How are you? and Goodbye
Person A: Kumno? Phi khlaiñ em? (How are you? Are you fine?)
Person B: Nga khlaiñ. Phi pat kumno?(I'm fine. What about you?)
Person A: Nga ruh nga khlaiñ.(I'm fine too.)
Person B: Ha ïng pat? Ki ïa khlaiñ em? (What about your family? They are fine right?)
Person A: Ki ïa khlaiñ lut.(They are all fine.)
Person B: Sa ai khublei lem ïa i mei jong phi.(Please give my regards to your mother.)
Person A: To.(Ok)
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