Short Questions and Answers (Informal Khasi)

Short Questions and Answers 

(Informal Khasi)

Shang Kwai 

In Khasi the sentence structures of questions and statement are exactly the same.
e.g. Are you a student?     - Phi dei u khynnah-pule?
       You are a student.      - Phi dei u khynnah-pule.
Although the structures are the same, the intonation goes up for the question and it goes down for statements.
  • Yes  - Hooid(Ho-oid)
  • No - Em
  • Yes I am - Hooid.
  • No I'm not - Em.
  • Are you ok? - Phi biang em?
  • Is it ok? - Ka long em?
  • Yes, it is. - Hooid ka biang.
  • Shano? - Where?
  • Are you fine? - Phi khlaiñ em? 
  • Isn't it? - Ka dei em?
  • That's right. - Ka dei.
  • Shall we start? - Ngin sdang noh?
  • Is it hot? - Ka shit?
  • It's cold. - Ka khriat.
  • Is it true? - Shisha sĕh?
  • Is it so? - Kumta sĕh?
  • It is true. - Shisha keiñ
  • Yes it is so. - Hooid keiñ
  • You too? - Phi ruh?
  • Yes, me too. - Hooid nga ruh.
  • Do you eat? - Phi ju bam?
  • Yes I do. - Hooid.
  • Does she go? - Ka ju leit?
  • No she doesn't. - Em.
  • Did you bring? - Phi la wanrah?
  • Did you cook? - (Phi) La dep shet?
  • You came? - Phi la wan?