1. Are you hungry? - Phi la thngan(th-ngan)?
2. Are you thirsty? - Phi sliang um?
3. I am hungry - Nga la thngan(th-ngan)
4. I am thirsty - Nga sliang um.
5. Would you like to have lunch/dinner? - Phi kwăh bam ja?
6. Please have food - Sngewbha bam ja
7. Have you eaten food(breakfast/lunch/dinner)? - Phi la dĕp bam?
8. Have you had tea? - Phi la dep dĭh sha?
9. Is the food ready? - Ka bam ka la long?
10. The rice is ready - Ka ja ka la ĭh.
11. The side dishes are ready - Ka jingtăh ka la long.
12. How many plates did you eat? - Katno pliang phi bam?
13. Have some more food. - Bam shuh.
14. The food is tasty - Ka bam ka bang
15. The food is delicious - Ka bam ka bang bha
16. Please warm the food - Sngewbha pynkhluid ia(ya) ka bam
17. The food is spicy/hot - Ka bam ka săt
18. The food is cold - Ka bam ka la pjăh
19. Is the sugar ok? - Ka shini ka biang em?
20. It's sweet - Ka thiang.
21. Did you cook? - Phi shĕt ma phi?
22. Yes I cooked.- Haoid, nga shĕt ma nga.
23. You are a good cook. - Phi nang bha ban shĕt.
24. What did you cook today? - Phi shĕt aiu mynta ka sngi?
25. What shall I cook today? - Ngan shĕt aiu mynta ka sngi?
26. Do you know how to cook? - Phi nang ban shĕt?
27. What are you cooking? - Phi dang shĕt aiu?
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