Active and Passive Voice (Tenses)

Present Simple Tense
Active Voice
1. Farmers cultivate crops in the fields.
2. The government provides subsidies to farmers.
3. Students attend classes regularly.
4. Scientists conduct experiments in the laboratory.
5. The company manufactures electronic devices.

Passive Voice 
1. Crops are cultivated in the fields by farmers.
2. Subsidies are provided to farmers by the government.
3. Classes are attended regularly by students.
4. Experiments are conducted in the laboratory by scientists.
5. Electronic devices are manufactured by the company.

Present Continuous Tense
Active Voice
1. The team is developing a new software application.
2. The company is launching a marketing campaign for its latest product.
3. The students are presenting their research findings at the conference.
4. Engineers are designing a new bridge for the city.
5. The government is implementing new policies to improve healthcare.

Passive Voice
1. A new software application is being developed by the team.
2. A marketing campaign for its latest product is being launched by the company.
3. Their research findings are being presented at the conference by the students.
4. A new bridge for the city is being designed by engineers.
5. New policies to improve healthcare are being implemented by the government.

Present Perfect Tense
Active Voice
1. The team has just finished the project ahead of schedule.
2. She has already completed all the assigned tasks.
3. Scientists have recently discovered a new species of marine life.
4. The government has announced new initiatives to boost the economy.
5. The company has achieved record-breaking sales this year.

Passive voice
1. The project has just been finished ahead of schedule by the team.
2. All the assigned tasks have already been completed by her.
3. A new species of marine life has recently been discovered by scientists.
4. New initiatives to boost the economy have been recently announced by the government.
5. Record-breaking sales have been achieved by the company this year.

Past Simple Tense
Active Voice
1. The teacher explained the lesson yesterday.
2. The company released a new version of its software in 2020.
3. He solved the math problem during the exam.
4. The team performed exceptionally well in the competition.
5. The government introduced a new policy last week.

Passive Voice
1. The lesson was explained by the teacher yesterday.
2. A new version of its software was released by the company in 2020.
3. The math problem was solved by him during the exam.
4. Exceptional performance was delivered by the team in the competition.
5. A new policy was introduced by the government last week.

Past Simple Continuous Tense
Active Voice
1. She was attending a conference when I called her.
2. The students were writing their final exams during the blackout.
3. The construction workers were repairing the road yesterday.
4. We were watching a movie when the power went out.
5. The scientists were conducting experiments in the laboratory last week.

Passive Voice
1. A conference was being attended by her when I called her.
2. Their final exams were being written by the students during the blackout.
3. The road was being repaired by construction workers yesterday.
4. A movie was being watched by us when the power went out.
5. Experiments were being conducted in the laboratory by the scientists last week.

Past Perfect Tense
Active Voice
1. The students had already solved the difficult math problems.
2. She had visited several countries before turning 25.
3. The company had delivered the products to the customers.
4. By the time we arrived, the team had finished the project.
5. He had earned a master's degree before starting his own business.

Passive Voice
1. The difficult math problems had already been solved by the students.
2. Several countries had been visited by her before turning 25.
3. The products had been delivered to the customers by the company.
4. By the time we arrived, the project had been finished by the team.
5. A master's degree had been earned by him before starting his own business.

Future Simple Tense
Active Voice
1. The students will be writing their final exams next week.
2. The company will be launching a new product in the market.
3. He will be teaching a special class on advanced programming.
4. The team will be developing a mobile app for the upcoming event.
5. She will be conducting research on environmental sustainability.

Passive Voice
1. Their final exams will be written by the students next week.
2. A new product will be launched in the market by the company.
3. A special class on advanced programming will be taught by him.
4. A mobile app for the upcoming event will be developed by the team.
5. Research on environmental sustainability will be conducted by her.